1325 East 16th Ave, Denver, CO 80218

Did you know that Xcel Energy’s Design Assistance Program has changed?

Is your new construction or major renovation project 20,000 sf or larger? Is it in Xcel Energy territory? Have you read this prior to the project entering the DD phase? If you answered yes to these questions your project likely qualifies for the Xcel Energy EDA program. In case you aren’t familiar with the EDA program through Xcel energy here are a few highlights:

  • Xcel energy pays for energy modeling from SD through DDs and to verify that efficiency measures are properly installed and working effectively – Group14 is paid by Xcel to identify easy,
    cost effective ways for your project to save energy (saving money in utilities long-term).
  • This service is FREE – we are paid by Xcel Energy, they need help meeting their energy demand targets and are willing to pay you to help them
  • Incentives paid in cash to the owner (.20-.30/sf for a 15% savings) but up to (.5 to 1.00/sf if the building is more efficient and achieves LEED).
  • The design team is paid a stipend at the end of CDs for just working with our firm in this program from $8,000 to $12,000 to offset any fees associated with the program.

Not sure what to do next? Don’t worry, just call us, Group14 is contracted through EDA to offer you some free energy modeling and make sure your project gets the most out of the avaliable utility incentives. More quesitons – check out the FAQ’s. Contact us we will help you understand all the programs for which your project may qualify.

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