1325 East 16th Ave, Denver, CO 80218

Next Tuesday, December 13, our Senior Sustainability Manager Rachelle Macur will be presenting about biophilic design, the practice of creating a connection to nature in the built environment, with Dr. Jennifer Wilson from Shopworks Architecture.  

Shopworks and Group14 worked together on Arroyo Village, pictured above.

“Throughout my time in the industry, I’ve always been interested in the human side of sustainability and the cross section of humans and their environment, both natural and built,” Rachelle says. 

This presentation is part 2 of a 4 part series, presented by Shopworks, and is free to register. Visit the CHFA website for more information and to register for the workshop. 

Offered: December 13 from 10:00-11:30 am MT | Presenters: Dr. Jennifer Wilson, Shopworks Architecture (jennifer@shopworksarc.com) and Rachelle Macur, Group14 Engineering (rmacur@group14eng.com

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